Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here are two of my latest assemblage pieces ~ borne out of restlessness and having trouble sleeping lately.  I am quite pleased though with the way they came out. 

I call this one 'JUNK MEETS ART" ~ during one of my trips to the antique flea market, I found the antique escutcheon and skeleton key in a dusty old box along with other weathered found objects.  I knew right away that I had to make something out it!  And so here it is, a one-of-a-kind, chunky-funky statement necklace.  It has some weight to it due to the size of the metal objects but you have to agree, it's a beauty, ain't it?

This lovely piece is an assemblage of an antique broken rosary, an antique skeleton key, a vintage bible locket and a vintage Madonna medallion with a dove charm.  Beautiful accent beads were used to finish off this charming statement of wonderous faith.


  1. You are an amazing talent! These are so beautiful! Where can I get your jewelry pieces and are the paintings in the background for sale? I love the woman with the baby. Love your work!

  2. Thanks, Adrianna. I am still undecided where I will be listing the jewelry pieces. Right now, I would like to make a few more so that when I do list them, I will have a substantial amount to list along with paintings that I am working on. Please stay tuned. The mother and child piece is for a dear friend, sorry :-( But I plan to make more derivative pieces since I am frequently asked to create one. The nude is actually an unfinished piece that still needs to be tweaked here and there. Thank you so much for your interest. It means a lot to me!

  3. Hi is super lovely to meet you! Wow...your art is wonderfully beautiful and very inspiring..shine on!!...and your creations are simply gorgeous!

    So nice to meet a kindred..and I look forward to following your blog too! Thanks for sharing your magic!
    have a sparkling day!

  4. What a delight and honor to be visited and followed by you, Victoria! I have mutual sentiments for you. I was immediately drawn to your amazing work the moment I saw your blog. Thank you so much for your kind and lovely words and for giving me much inspiration and encouragement. Blessings!

  5. Joann so nice of you to stop by my blog. I have admired your paintings for awhile now on Ebay. Your jewelry is wonderful. Please let me know when it becomes available for sale.

  6. Hi Joji! I am so thrilled and honored to meet you and I am so giddy that you checked out my blog and following my creative journey :-) I am a fan of your beautiful work and now an avid follower of your blog. You are a great source of inspiration for me. Thank you so very, very much for your words of praise and affirmation. And yes, I will let you know about the jewelry. Hugs and blessings!

  7. I love the balance of lovely images and stronger elements. The warm feminine lines contrasted with the vintage heavy metal rosaries. Many layers and very thought provoking.

    Thanks for sharing these with us.

    Laura P.

  8. Joann,
    Your paintings are soo full of beauty and love for life!
    YOur jewelry is awesome..
    Beautiful work I must say!
    You are a special person!
    Hugs, Darlene

  9. Laura, thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your wonderful and encouraging words. As you can see, I love religious relics and try to incorporate it in my work whenever possible. I see that you also have a blog. I will stop by very soon and check it out. Blessings and all the best!

  10. Darlene ~ I am so thrilled that you stopped by! Thank you so much for your kind words. It truly means a lot to get a thumbs up from you :-) sending a great big hug your way!
