Monday, November 22, 2010


You never know who will bless you in life: sometimes the kindest gesture come from the most unexpected person and one of my latest blessings came in a form of a wonderful opportunity presented by a dear friend, Renee.  That said, I am over the moon and tickled to share the news!!!!  I am taking a leap of faith to pursue a lifelong dream and will be opening a teeny-tiny art space inside my girlfriend Renee's shop at the Historic Castle Inn in Del Water Gap, PA (she makes the most wonderful artisan soaps, lotions, potions and all that good stuff! You can check out her site, Juvenis Bodyworks, under my "I AM INSPIRED BY SITES.."). 

We've started setting up shop but we're still tweaking here and there, making sure it looks real purrrdy :-)  The art space will showcase both my paintings and jewelry pieces.  The space is small, but I feel it's a great way to launch my work outside of my home studio and finally having a physical store outside of Ebay and Etsy.  I'm taking baby steps and crossing my fingers and hoping it will yield favorable results.  I will post pictures as soon as it is aesthetically presentable.  To those of you who have been wondering why I haven't listed anything online (Ebay and/or Etsy) lately, well, this is what's been occupying my time, but I will get back to the swing of things very soon and list pieces on Ebay and Etsy in time for Christmas.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to my beautiful friend, Renee.  You are an earth angel, a wonderful mentor and friend.  I cannot thank you enough and I don't think I can ever properly express my gratitude.  Can you feel me dancing a happy dance here?

So please stay tuned.  I will be posting pictures real soon.  In the meantime, can I get a HALLELUJAH?


  1. Thank you for the well wishes, Kelly. I am truly, truly blessed and I don't take any of it for granted. HUGS!!!

  2. Thank you for the well wishes, Kelly. I am truly, truly blessed and I don't take any of it for granted. HUGS!!!
