Wednesday, November 17, 2010


this double strand assemblage is made with segments of antique rosaries held together by an antique heart rosary connector, embellished with large gold glass bead pearls and finished off with a vintage Madonna medallion charm dangling from an extended chain (background painting also done by yours truly)

another double strand assemblage made with segments of antique rosaries, vintage rhinestone brooch, a vintage crucifix and medallion ~ background charcoal potrait was done by yours truly


  1. You got to get an etsy shop...Love your jewelry.

  2. Your jewelry pieces are so beautiful! Please let me know where I can purchase them. Your style is interesting mix of elegance and edginess. I gotta tell you that I also totally love your playlist!!! I've been to other blogs and while a lot of bloggers play nice music, they mostly sound the same and play the folksy kind of sound. Your music is terrific and really says a lot about your personal style which reflects in all of your work - very eclectic, diverse, has a lot of facets. You are truly a notch above the rest!

  3. Joji, you are too kind...big, big thanks!!! I do have an Etsy shop, which I opened some time in the summer (I think). It didn't garner any sales but I was real happy because my work was getting recognized and featured in various treasuries at least twice a month. It kinda fell by the way side once the term expired but I do plan to really focus a lot of attention to selling there again especially now that i've made a lot of new pieces. I so appreciate the push and always giddy to hear from you. HUGS!!!

  4. Adrienna, very happy to hear from you again and as always, very appreciative of your affirming and encouraging comments. Some of the assemblage pieces will be listed on Etsy soon. Girl, I have this big smile on my face and really psyched that you dig my playlist :-) I've always felt a little weird whenever I add a new track, thinking to myself and wondering if folks who visit my blog think my choice of music is a little "out there" or "all over the place"...but hey, i'm giddy that you're giving it a thumbs up! If nothing else, I think it tells you more or less my age..hahaha!!! I'm a rock and roll girl at heart but love all kinds of music. Thanks again, Adrienna for continuing to visit the blog. HUGS!!!
