Tuesday, December 14, 2010


With the holiday rush in full force, i've got my hands full with projects, projects and more projects than I could ever imagine! Not complaining ~ as a matter of fact, I feel so very blessed.  Since the opening of my art space (thanks again, Renee :-), my work has gotten some really wonderful recognition and it has opened doors to other various projects that I am currently working on.  Hence the delay of the much awaited Castle Inn pictures.  So here it is, I've got more pictures to post, but here's a little sneak peek....and remember, if you are ever in the Delaware Water Gap area, come by and say hello and take a look see :-)

The legendary Deer Head Inn

That's my daughter, Greta

..and that's me with my daughter, Greta and my dad

Isn't this lovely?  An antique art noveau popcorn maker and I was told it still works!

...and we have the most gorgeous ice cream shop in the area!


  1. Congratulation, Joann! Your art space looks lovely and the Castle Inn looks like the perfect location for your shop. I am nowhere near the area, but I will definitely check it out if I ever happen to be in your neighborhood. Wishing you much success. You are so talented and gifted and this is truly well deserved (your daughter is very cute).

  2. Thanks, Kerry! I took a major leap of faith to follow a lifelong dream and I am crossing my fingers and hoping it will yield favorable results. If it doesn't, at least I know I tried and will keep on keepin' on. I sure hope to see you in my neck of the woods one of these days... Oh, and my daughter, Greta is budding artist too. She is truly special and provide me with a ton of inspiration. Thanks again and blessings to you!
