Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I haven't abandoned my love of painting and in between jewelry making, I have managed to create these two new pieces which I call "SOUL WEEPERS". 

It took me a while to finish the pair only because I really take my time when I paint.  That is also why I am not able to consistently list on Ebay and Etsy which is where I typically sell my paintings, because I can never produce several pieces all at once.  That's just me. 

Anyway, I thought i'd do another collage piece with a little bit of mosaic work for accent.  The pieces have a very raw, rustic feel.  Made with different weights of acrylic, pencils, pastels and ink on on wood panel.  I created a wood frame backing so it can be display ready. 


  1. This is amazing work! I am immediately drawn to their soulful eyes. I can tell that there is a lot of time and effort put into these beautiful paintings. The collage and mosaic is whimsical and just stunning. Great pieces, Joann!

  2. Takes my breath away! Beautiful and the pieces really speak to you. Your paintings are not only stunning but they have so much emotion. Can't wait to see more!

  3. Thank you so much for your very encouraging words, Georgia. It truly means a lot. I have to admit, sometimes I get too attached to a piece and spend way too much time working on it. Gotta learn how to reign it in a bit. Thanks for stopping by and happy holidays! Blessings!

  4. Your work shines! Beautiful does not even begin to describe it.

  5. Hi JoAnn. That is really great work! The colors, the eyes and just how they are looking out at us. Very nice. Thx for sharing and in case I don't get back to you, Happy Holidays!

  6. Blue and purple tears ~ I love that name! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words and vote of confidence. I do not take any of these for granted.
